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How The Public Views Psychic TV Shows

Psychic television shows have recently risen in popularity.  The shows offer a wide variety of dimensions, from mediums contacting dead souls, to fortune tellers performing readings on marriage and relationship issues.  While a large segment of the viewing public approves of these types of shows, some people continue to express reservations as to the authenticity of psychic television programs. 

Are TV Psychics Good Only at Cold Readings?

TV psychic show critics often assert that  television psychics are only great at doing “cold” readings.  A cold reading is when the psychic asks for too  much information from the subject, so that they can easily fish for information, so that they won't have a hard time determining the right answers.  For  example, a psychic will say he "sees a car, a red car”, and  then turns his attention the the subject, and says “now why would that be?”, or “does that make sense?”.  In giving a cold reading, the psychic is only trying to extract the correct information from the subject, critics contend.

Are Psychic Shows Regulated?

Psychic shows come in different formats.  A few shows offer live Tarot card readings, while others offer a formal, documentary-TV type approach, such as the ones shown on Discovery Channel or National Geographic.  For the live TV shows, there is a studio audience that observes how the psychic performs a reading on his subject, or summons a spirit.  Many of the TV psychic shows  argue that they are always transparent when producing their shows, because they want their viewers to trust in them.  A number of  TV shows have even gone to the extent of inviting independent observers, news reporters, academics and other psychics, so that they could observe the proceedings, and make any  recommendations.

Why The Rise In Paranormal Programming?

And apart from the popularity of live psychic shows, paranormal programs have also seen a rise in viewership.  TV shows like Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural and others have garnered high ratings and a loyal following.  While many people love watching these programs, some critics stress that these shows have a negative influence on the youth, since teenagers are quite prone to any  pernicious influence. Critics of paranormal programming also argue that while many  of these shows are plain “entertaining”, they can still be harmful, because these may just encourage the viewer to spend money on psychics.

And while critics continue to show disgust at the  popularity of live psychic shows and paranormal programs, supporters of these TV show contend that TV networks and producers have all the right  to include supernatural elements in their shows. So whether you're watching Psychic TV, Crossing Over with John Edward, Supernatural, The Ghost Whisperer and other shows, watch these programs with an open mind, and view whatever information is shown with a positive attitude, and not just quickly brush-off  anything supernatural as hogwash.  

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