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Tarot Readings

Tarot reading is a wonderful tool to unravel the human mind. It casts a flood of light on some of the puzzling questions that torment the people endlessly.

Tarot reading basically performs four functions.

1. Analytical function

It analyses the traits of the nature and personality of a client subject. The analysis is based upon the tarot card that the client selects from the sheaf of cards dealt either by the client himself or the reader.

2. Divinatory Function

It is the nature and personality of a person that determines the quality of his/her actions-karma- which in turn determine his/her future in form of consequences. Tarot reader understands the nature of the clients' karma and makes predictions about his future.

3. Advisory Function

Also called counselling, tarot reading provides counselling and guidance to the client subjects based upon the traits of the nature and the quality of their actions. They are advised how they can shape their future by following certain guidelines.

 4. Introductory Function

There are three categories of people who need to be aware of the benefits of  tarot reading.

  • This category comprises newbies, sceptics and the non-believers. Since this group of people consists of the doubting Thomases, who loathe spending money for something they do not believe in, tarot readers offer them free readings.
  • The second type consists of people who are curious about the world of psychics and tarot reading and want to learn something about it even though purely at an academic level.
  • They are already aware of the benefits of tarot reading but are not satisfied with their existing tarot readers. They are in search of new tarot readers, but want to be assured of their competence before committing themselves on regular basis. They want free sample tarot reading to verify the accuracy of the predictions so that they do not risk their money.

How to get a tarot reading and derive the maximum benefit from it?

It has been rightly said that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. This maxim applies to getting tarot reading. In some cases, you may have to provide your name and email id to get it.

Here are some guidelines to get a tarot reading:

  1. Fix up an appointment with your tarot reader so as to avoid any inconvenience to yourself and the psychic.
  2. Make a mental note of the questions that you want to ask the tarot reader. Better still, note them down on a piece of paper to save yourself any fumbling or confusion midway.
  3. Don't interrupt the tarot reader when he/she is delivering the reading.
  4. Frame your queries precisely without beating about the bush. It will save your time as well as the time of the tarot reader. Ill-framed questions are more likely to elicit inaccurate answers.
  5. Do not try to test the knowledge and power of the tarot reader simply for the sake of it.
  6. Do not ask questions whose answers are generally yes or no. For example, do not ask the reader if you will win a lottery. Also do not ask for the numbers of the lottery ticket or which date you will marry/get the job/recover from your illness and so on.

The problem with such questions is that you do not know what may happen in the meantime. After all, you are continuously doing some karma and its result may change the course of events altogether. It would be no use blaming the reader for an inaccurate interpretation.

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