The Qualities of Professional Psychic Mediums
Mediums are psychics who specialise on the ability to communicate with the dead. And apart from communicating with the spiritual world, they also possess other innate capabilities, which include sensing what the other person feels or thinks. But before you hook up with just any medium out there, you first need to know what are the inherent qualities or traits of a professional psychic medium.
What Are Mediums Capable Of?
Mediums have other skills and abilities apart from communicating, and receiving messages from the dead. Mediums have a “third eye”, which easily allows them to quickly sense any psychic phenomena, which normally wouldn't be noticed by plain human senses. Mediums can also quickly sense a person's aura and personality, hence they'd make good counselors and life coaches. Some mediums also possess the ability to predict certain events in the future, and they also have telepathic powers, which enable them to read other people's thoughts and emotions. Mediums also have the ability to interact or mingle with angels, and other spiritual entities.
The Traits Of Good Mediums
Reputable, and professional mediums often exhibit, or possess a number of good traits and characteristics. Here's a shortlist of common characteristics.
1. Highly Imaginative.
First among the traits of a good medium is imagination. As a popular saying goes, “if you cannot imagine something, then it can't exist”. It is believed that a psychic's perceptions, whether auditory, emotional or visual, all come through his or her imagination. A medium cultivates his or her paranormal ability by constantly becoming pro-active with his imagination. This means that the medium allows his imaginations and thoughts to run freely through his mind, so that the universe, as well as the spiritual world, can easily enter it and send relevant psychic messages.
2. Extra Curious.
Because the whole psychic experience remains one big mystery, the medium should of course, naturally be filled with curiosity, so that the whole process of interacting with the other side becomes an exciting and meaningful experience..
3. Synchronicity Experts.
Because a medium's visions and insights are sometimes coincidental, the medium must be able to be aware, investigate and full analyze subtle experiences. Mediums should also never disregard any information or thought that comes to their minds, as these may be an indicator of something important.
4. Great Common Sense.
And even if psychics, or mediums have special powers, it doesn't mean that they're freaks. Mediums too have common sense, just like each one of us. The only difference is that they have a “knowing” mind, which is fully integrated and connected to the natural and spiritual world. The medium's common sense also allows his mind to gain useful insight and ideas, which can help him move forward in his spiritual journey.
A reputable and professional medium also is a balanced, fair and non-judgmental person. They treat their customers fairly, regardless of their age, social stature, religion or creed. Mediums too have tons of optimism, which mirrors a positive attitude, and makes them a better communicator with the spiritual world.
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