Psychic Medium Readings
Mediumship readings are also known as medium psychic readings, psychic medium readings or channel readings. These readings, as said above, are more suitable for reaching out to the spirits of the recently dead people on behalf of their survivors.
Mediumship readings are so called because the psychics act as mediums or channels of communication between the spirit of the dead and their survivors.
Mediumship readings involve the psychic going into trance. It is a transcendental process wherein the psychic medium appears to go into a sleep-like state. As in sleep, the medium psychics lose awareness of their body and the surrounding.
The spirit or the soul of the psychics becomes more active in such situations. And it is as it should be because the object of communication is also a spirit that resides in the astral world.
The medium psychic asks questions raised by the survivors of the dead and brings back answers.
But there is yet another type of trance, which may be called wakeful trance. In this trance, the psychics neither go to sleep nor do they lose the consciousness of their body and surroundings.
Famous Medium Psychics like John Edward, Slyvia Brown, James Van Praagh, Ellison BuBois among several others belong to this category. They hold public performances on TV programs wherein they ask questions from the spirits of the dead people on behalf of their survivors.
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